Saturday, April 7, 2007

Effector 13 limited edition take out boxes

I can't remember where this idea came from, but basically it was to put our pedals in fast food take out boxes with stamps of Chinese dragons and such on the side. It end up being more of a hassle then I first imagined, so I decided to just do it with our Limited Edition enclosures and other special E13 products. The pedal is in a velvet bag, and at the bottom of the take out container is some chinese health balls (silver orbs that chime as you roll them around your palm). I want to start putting in fortune cards as well as nicer paper (we currently just use printer paper).

Imagine my amusement when the first one we sold actually end up going to China. :'/

1 comment:

Klisk said...

Dude, I so want one of these boxes. Haha. :')